Submitted by: Roofus Harris

4 teal ducks, dressed
2 large sweet potatoes, peeled
1/2 cup melted butter
1 tsp cinnamon
salt and cracked black pepper to taste
granulated garlic to taste
1 navel orange, peeled, seeded and sectioned
1/4 cup olive oil
1 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped red bell peppers
1/4 cup minced garlic
5 black peppercorns
2 bay leaves
2 sprigs parsley
3 cups chicken or game bird stock (see recipe)
1 cup dry white wine
1/4 cup minced parsley

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut sweet potatoes into pencil-sized strips, about 1/2 inch thick and 4 inches long. In a large mixing bowl, combine sweet potatoes, butter and cinnamon and toss to coat well. Season ducks generously inside and out with salt, pepper and granulated garlic. Stuff cavities with sweet potato pieces until half full. Place 1 orange wedge in the cavity and continue to stuff with sweet potato pieces until completely filled. In a large Dutch oven, heat olive oil over medium heat then saute ducks just until browned on all sides. Remove from heat. Turn ducks breast side up then surround with onions, celery, bell peppers, minced garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves and parsley sprigs. Add stock and wine then cover and bake 1 to 1-1/2 hours or until tender. Remove cover and increase temperature of oven to 400 degrees. Continue cooking for 10-20 minutes or until skin is brown and crisp. Remove from oven and discard bay leaves. Serve ducks and pan drippings over steamed white rice and garnish with minced parsley.