2 pounds coarsely ground venison
8 cloves of garlic finely minced
8 green onions finely sliced
2 4 oz. jars diced pimento
4 tbsp fine brandy
¼ cup sausage seasoning (“Legg’s brand is pretty darn good)
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Sauté the green onions and garlic in the olive oil for three minutes and transfer to a non-metallic bowl. Mix the onions and garlic and all the remaining ingredients together and refrigerate overnight.

Divide the refrigerated mixture into approximately fourths. Place one portion between two sheets of waxed paper and roll out to approximately 3/8” thickness. Cut out patties using a 2” cookie cutter or a glass with a two inch mouth.
Freeze in plastic container making certain to separate the patties with sheets of waxed paper.

To serve, remove the desired number of patties and place in a pot large enough to accommodate them in which you have melted enough butter to cover the bottom of the pot. Cook over low heat until the patties are thawed and then gradually increase the heat, turning the patties until brown on both sides.

Since deer season comes only once a year and is short lived, I usually make up about twenty pounds of these patties every January. Properly prepared, wrapped, frozen and stored, they’ll last me to next January.    

Submitted by:
Bob Vining