PETA Markets “Huntsman Condoms” to Stop Hunters from Reproducing – A MESSAGE FROM DON
No, it's not a real product, as if anybody was fooled in the first place.
The latest bizarre marketing stunt from PETA targets not only current hunters, but apparently, their future children as well. In yet another hit against recreational hunting, PETA is running a campaign for a fake product called “Huntsman Condoms.” The animal rights organization claims to have visited trade shows and even garnered celebrity hunter support for its product, before revealing that it was just a rather elaborate—but highly obvious—prank.
“Hunters, you’ve been pranked by Peta,” exclaimed the group on its website for the fake product. “PETA decided it was time to get back at recreational hunters. So they orchestrated a prank—by secretly developing, marketing and distributing a brand of condoms especially for hunters. The brand was called Huntsman and its real purpose was to encourage hunters to stop reproducing. Because it’s a fact that hunting is passed on from generation to generation. PETA successfully marketed Huntsman to the global hunting community and they didn’t suspect a thing. Now the world is laughing. We cannot sustain future generations of hunters. So hunters – please use Huntsman Condoms and don’t F** with Mother Nature.”
As expected, hunters collectively rolled their eyes over the “prank,” which seems to have garnered almost no interest in the sporting community. While PETA may have thought that the campaign was edgy and groundbreaking, sportsmen disagreed.
“Wow. PETA is so ridiculous,” wrote a on commenter on the group’s Facebook.
Others, including the group’s own supporters, criticized the organization for wasting money on a marketing campaign when the funds could have been used somewhere else. Some were also confused by the message—was promoting safe sex supposed to be a bad thing?
“Sooo you created a product that is probably bad for the environment for a group that not only embraces the product, but seems largely unaware of the point you’re trying to make with it. Good job,” wrote another commenter.
If it is true that PETA did market the condoms at hunting trade shows, observers say that attendees probably went along with the stunt to be polite. After all, for all they knew, Huntsman Condoms was just a small startup with a ridiculous idea. PETA however, also claims to have sent to condoms to notable hunters, such as Eric Trump. The organization then paraded several emails from marketing firms expressing interest in the product as if it was some great achievement.
It should be noted that as of Friday, the two videos on YouTube have less than 8,000 combined views.
Lastly, some people also commented that men aren’t the only ones that hunt. Women do too, and according to reports, are actually outpacing new male hunters in many places.
What do you think? Is this a marketing win for PETA, or just a lame attempt at a viral video?