Don Dubuc's Favorite Fishing Recipes
Over the years, Don has come across some truly phenomenal recipes for all types of fish and crustaceans found in the waters of Louisiana. |
SHERIFF'S SHEEPSHEADIf like a lot of other saltwater anglers you’ve been releasing those gnarly sheepshead you’ve caught, try this recipe from the late and great Jefferson Parish Sheriff, Harry Lee and you may change your mind. Recipe: Harry Lee’s favorite fish is sheepshead and his favorite way to fix sheepshead is a Chinese recipe. Both gut and split the fish down the backbone into two halves or remove the filets as you would to grill a redfish. Either way, leave the scales and skin on one side. First parboil it and then coat the meat with a mixture of hot bacon grease, soy sauce and ginger. If you prefer your fish grilled, grill with skin and scales down, then season with the mixture. |